High protein breakfast (30g+) No Powder?
Any ideas? I have made this oatmeal with 40g and 500 calories so I am looking for something like that.
How to determine muscle or fat loss based on measurements?
So in less than a week I lost an inch off of my waist. Does this mean I lost fat or muscle, or was I probably bloated when I took the earlier measurement? I also want would appreciate if you could tell me what losing or adding inches on a specific body part means. Ex) losing on thighs means fat loss or losing on arms means…
How many calories should my daughter take in?
So I want my kids to be healthy and I was just wondering. She is 5'4 and 112 pounds and 12 years of age. She swims (competitively) 4 days a week for an hour and a half. I guess her metabolism is relatively fast. So should she eat more calories on the days she does exercise and less on the days she doesn't? How many?