Graduation is in 7 days, and I know I"m not the only soon to be high school graduate (or even current college student.) that could use a little extra support! Let's share our stories, dreams, goals, etc! Befriend one another for even more support. My current story: Ever since the second half of my 6th grade year, I've…
I'm searching for people who like me, are trying to shred some unwanted weight, but I'd like to also find some who have similar interests that I have! Feel free to add me!
I've been considering purchasing myself a fitbit flex for the past couple of weeks, and am not sure if I should or not. Does anyone have advice on that? Or a similar product? I really want something to use with this app that will help keep me motivated.
I have been debating for over a week on whether or not I should buy a Fitbit Flex. Can anyone give me a list of pros/cons? Why you love it? Is it worth the money? Etc. All feedback is appreciated and I'd love to be friend with you all!
I spent yesterday at Dolly Wood. (A theme park in the smokey mountains.) The heat was exhausting, my friends went at paces I could not keep up with, and being over weight did not help. My thighs rubbed together horribly and I chaffed to the point I could barely make it back to the bus. It's time I went back to trying to…