After many years of using this site daily, a few days ago the website started redirecting me to a page that indicates that it is verifying that I am human every time I load a new page. Very annoying and I see it's not an isolated case as other are complaining about it on Reddit. Other than clearing cache, updating…
I've struggled to find a post on here for low-carbers who don't like veg. And when I do, there are far too many people preaching how we should be eating it. Veg makes me physically puke, and at my age, I will no longer entertain it. I know many will respond by saying, "oh, roast it" etc etc tc. Tried it, hate it. I can…
Hi all I have been using myfitnesspal as a tracking tool for about 3 years in combination with Garmin Connect and it has served me well. I would love to see some kind of alarm setting that we can plot on the calendar to remind us to make a recipe again. Maybe this is already on the full paid site, but sadly I am unable to…