I guess I had a bunch of people fall to the wayside the past few months so I’m looking for some new friends! I’ve been on a roll with recording and working out consistently. Ready to share the motivation! 💪🏾
Hello there! I’m a daily logger- but find others’ updates very motivational. Friend me! :) I am less than 3 months postpartum after 5 years of fertility treatments (which lead to most of the weight gain) and have 60lbs to loose to get back to my normal weight. No goal is too big or too small!
I’m a big workout class lover at my gym but am interested in finding a gym buddy to go with and help with accountability. Any suggestions as to find one locally or shall I just keep smiling at others during/after classes to try and initiate socialization.
I know every period is different month to month, just wanted to see how do you deal? Any particular strategies? I’m an avid exerciser but right before and during my cycle I’m so physically drained it’s hard to do any of my typical workouts. Not until CD3 do I feel back to my normal self. Thanks in advance!
I’ve been ttc for over 4.5 years and have gone through treatments. I’ve gained 5# with every treatment and am up 30lbs over the last few years. I’m still considered healthy and my labs are great, but of course... I want to get back down to my normal healthier weight. I’d love to meet more women going through the same!…