I don't see much recent posts...I'm starting this jourrney..new acute Injury..pain with movement..would love to hear or see others on the journey..pain is so impactful in removing motivation and for me increasing emotional eating...so would love for us to journey together..
For those who have limited or no mobility...unable to exercise..how have you been able to lose the weight?.
I recently injured my pelvis in the worse way...believe it or not..exercising...my SI joint is inflamed..I have limited mobility now..I eat now badly as I'm back to emotionally eating...I got all the way down to to 270 now I'm 304... I'm unable to do these... No cardio. No walking No bike I don't know how to pull myself…
THIS WORKS...1000% I let emotional eating take over.. if you are restarting AND sharing your diary. Hit me up. Day 1.
Just wondering does or will MFP change the calorie goals based upon the weight?..so i have put in i want to lose 2 pounds a week....but once i have been losing weight...will it change the number of calories i need automatically?
Have over 100 pounds to lose...join me in the struggle..with daily accountability..posting how you did whether good or bad...your victories your struggles...journey to 1derland..
I am probably blind...but is there a area on mfp to track how much water you drink? Ac
I cannot put in numbers how many times i have tried to lose weight...i dont or i guess i am scared of having surgery for weight loss...i just cant get it together..its affecting my health now with swollen ankles painful ...and so many other ways... One day at a time.. My strategy..ww and detox..