My body & me aren't seeing eye to eye!
ok HELP!! My body seems to have a preset weight it loves! No matter what I do I can only get down to a specific number. Now I'm Latina and built curvey as it is but I want to be more..toned and compact. How do you guys get past your bodies comfort zone? Is there even such a thing or am I just a odd ball?
Leg day = gain a pound?
is it normal to gain a pound after leg day? I mean the kind of leg day where you can now apply for a handicap plaque? I didn't eat poorly so hoping this is normal
Better than good enough!!
Im a mom of three but more importantly I'm a work in progress. After baby 3 I no longer recognized myself. I ate right and worked out and lost 80lbs. Now I am not saying I'm unhappy where I am, in fact at one point this was my "ideal physical look" but I want to make my body the best version it can be. All I hear is…
Tattooed and toned
well tattooed anyway