Do you like quest bars? Which are your favorite? Mine is the cookie dough (:
To often I find myself the only women in the free weights section of the gym at many different gyms! Don't let guys make you feel ashamed or that you cant! Many guys might stair at you but don't let that stop you! Keep your head up and focus on your workout that your doing! Lifting is for women too and you won't become to…
Sooooo I've been into working out for over 4 years and I've seen from a lot of people and heard it's hard to make a living being in the fitness industry! I'm currently majoring in OT bc I love seeing the changes in children's lives as well as I do in people and there bodys. But all though you might not do it as a job in…
Nothing feels better to me then the feeling you get after a great workout and being sore! In the right ways of course. I workout mostly everyday (fall apart a little on weekends bc I just turned 21) but I'm in the gym for almost 2 to 3 hours usually start off with an hour of cardio and the body parts I'm doing that day. At…
Hi my names katie I'm 21 years old from New Jersey been working out for over four years now im pretty serious about it just need help keeping my diet in line (: