How do you account for calories burned for informal exercise? I often don't have time to do structured exercise, but try to make my everyday (or not so everyday) activity into exercise by making sure I use good form and get my heart rate up. For example, I spent yesterday cleaning a house; scrubbing bathrooms, walls and…
Is anyone else out there taking a medication that prohibits weight loss, but they can't get off of it? I am. I've been fighting this for the last ten years I've been on these meds. It seems like no matter what I do, I can't lose weight. I will admit, I'm new to this program (just a week) and I guess I just need to hear…
I know this may be a stupid question, but can anyone tell me if you should count the calories from marinades? I realize your meat steeps in this concoction, but how much of the caloric content are you really ingesting if you discard all the marinade?