poolplayershannon Member


  • I'm on meds that mess with my metabolism too, that's why I have myself listed as sedentary to make up for it. Normally, I don't count the things I do everyday as exercise, but I think six hours of scrubbing grout goes above and beyond normal activity. Another friend of mine also recommended a calorie burning app, so I…
  • Unfortunately, I have a really lousy metabolism. I actually am a vet tech and usually work 10-11 hour shifts, on my feet and running my tail off. When I tried to set my activity level to suit my job, I lost no weight at all. On my days off, I am busy, but not as physically active as I am at work so I think that was working…
  • Will do, thanks for the suggestion.
  • Thank you all for the responses, it's nice to know I'm not alone. I am on an anti-epilepsy medication, although I use it off-label for Von Willebrand's disease (a clotting disorder), among other things. It keeps my body chemistry level, which means I can't boost my metabolism to help burn calories, or reduce things like…
  • Thanks. I made tequila lime chicken. Tequila, lime juice, olive oil, cilantro, ground mustard, and cayenne. I always make my own marinades, they're not that tough.
  • There is a tablespoon of olive oil in it. The spices counted for more sodium than calories. Maybe I'll try the weighing idea. Thanks for the suggestions.
  • Thank you! I just finished putting in a favorite marinate recipe and it was half the calories for the entire meal! That and it pushed the sodium WAY over the top.
  • Okay, badly phrased. It's just that the proteins eat up so much of the points, I, at least, wasn't getting enough.
  • I tried WW, lost weight okay, but I was always hungry too. Plus, I've got a blood disorder that makes me tend toward anemia. The extremely limited protein diet sent my PCV into a tailspin. Had to quit, per doctors orders.