I have just been turned down for accident and sickness insurance ( I am self employed in the UK) because my BMI is too high!! I was told drop to 39 and the will accept me currently I'm 46.6 let's hope this is the motivation I need. If anyone wants to help me keep motivated please add me
I have used MFP before but first time joining the forums. Sometimes the only people who understand what we are going through are those on the same journey. Looking for friends that can help keep me motivated to reach my goal
Hi we are Nigel & Kath we have been on so many different diets and the only one that ever "really" worked is MFP. I managed to lose 105 pounds in 2011/12 for a charity cycle ride but since then the weight has crept back up so I'm back on MFP. My wife as always supporting me by coming back here too. We have never used the…