do they count as burning calories?
Ugh gained 5 pounds. I hope its easier to get rid of. Had some issues with my health so was not able to work out much.. I am travelling to europe for the first time :# next week so am hoping to loose what I just gained, I will walk on evenings to help a bit
So my computer is doing updates, it is raining out and I have an event I put together later today. I am feeling a combination of boredom from waiting on computer, nostalgia from the rain and very nervous about my event being successful... I am trying to ignore my urge to eat everything inside my fridge Just sharing lol
I only have 210 calories left! Enough motivation to run so I can have a nice dinner with family later :#
I am back after a year but was excited that my current weight is actually lower than what my goal weight was back then... I only want to loose about 6 pounds but want to get more muscle.. Happy to be back B)