Ok so I’m 12 weeks postpartum, 13 lbs from my normal weight of 124. I have a vacation planned in March that I’d love to feel comfortable in a bikini for. I also have diastis recti (separation between the abs from pregnancy) so crunches, planks, etc are off limits. Is it unrealistic to lose, cut, and tone by then? I’m…
Have any mommas on here had significant success with repairing your split abs due to pregnancy? I’m wearing the Bellefit postpartum girdle to help pull the muscles back to the center, so that’s been helpful. And I know working obliques helps push your abs back more central too, but anything else? I know crunches and planks…
Newly postpartum mom of 3 boys, still have 17 lbs to loose to reach my pre-pregnancy weight. The military diet has always worked well for me in the past, but I’m open to new tips and tricks :) Ready to do this