Lovely alcohol. The social lubricant. The anxiety reducer. The crisp drink on a hot summer afternoon. THE SABATEUR TO MY WEIGHT LOSS! Alcohol makes me binge. I don't mean it makes me care less. I mean full on binge. And my "I'll have one beer" turns into 4. So....I am embarkimg on a path to clear alcohol from my diet.…
I'm pretty much always over on carbs. By a lot. My question is, does it actually matter? I realize that for weight loss it probably doesnt (CICO). But are there other effects? How can I lower the carbs in my diet? My diary is open to public scrutiny, have at it if you'd like.
When it comes to fiber, how much is REALLY too much? I tendnto go over fiber quite a bit (like by 20g or so). Is this actually bad? Any of you experience this?