A Young Englishman Going Into Battle...
...Or at least that is how I'm approaching it! I've signed up to the forum to get to know people who are facing a similar battle, and to share ideas on how we can all help each other. I've been trying to battle my weight on my own for my entire life it seems - now is the time for change, and you good people are my…
Most Accurate Calorie Counter Watch
Hi MFPers! I'm bit of a stickler for numbers when it comes to managing my food plan/exercise and I'm looking for a way to best track calories that I burn when I work out. I have membership at two different gyms, and their cardio equipment seems to give me different readings of the same exercise. For example, one cross…
Hello from London
I accidentally posted this in the 'Getting Started' forum at first, apologies for the double post! I've signed up to the forum to get to know people who are facing a similar battle, and to share ideas on how we can all help each other. I've been trying to battle my weight on my own for my entire life it seems - now is the…