Lifting weights didn't fix skinny fat-need help (WOMEN ONLY PLS)
I read in order to fix being skinny fat, you need to lift weights. I did for a year. Now, I just have muscle underneath the fat. I love being so much stronger, but I hate that I've been working so hard and still have so much flab. I also changed my eating habits greatly and eat much healthier now, and I am good about not…
Can eating healthy now undo years of not eating healthy?
My parents did not know anything about nutrition, so I did not eat well growing up. I ate a lot of processed foods, canned vegetables, did not eat fruit often, and a lot of meat. I was very active and underweight for my entire childhood and into my teens. I gained some weight in my teens because I wasn't as active, though…
Can only eat small portions
I do not have a weight problem and only joined MFP to make sure I'm eating a healthy diet. That being said, I have been trying to eat well-rounded meals, but am really struggling with it because I keep losing my appetite, and I get full quickly. For instance, I tried to eat two very small Seitan sausages with a…