The numbers on the scale are slowly going down but I feel like I'm gaining. My face & neck area look like I've gained weight (in my opinion). Any ideas on what would cause this? The only thing that has recently changed is that I've now added working out with a kettle bell & exercise ball, before all I was doing was walking…
So I've lost a total of 46 pounds so far by only walking on the treadmil. But my hips are staring to bother me pretty bad. Just on a daily basis, not while I'm using the treadmil. Have any of you used yoga for something like that? Did it work or make things worse? Or am I just way out in left field? :-) I've never even…
This might be the dumbest thing ever, but do you guys let your husband/wife know your weight? I've lost about 46 pounds now & I let him know how much I've lost but he doesn't know my weight or what it once was. I really want to tell him but I'm worried it might bother him. We've been married for 13 years & I know he's…
I was wondering if anyone could recommend good/inexpensive workout clothes. I've lost 39 pounds & I wanted to buy some but there are so many to choose from. I have 2 special needs kids, because of that I'm a SAHM, so money is always tight. I've been working out in my regular clothes but since I've lost weight nothing fits…