My personal favorites are thinkthin creamy peanut butter and quest white chocolate raspberry.... What's yours?
As a brief fitness background, I successfully got over a binge eating disorder and lost 15 lbs. I am 5'1 and weigh 100 lbs currently. I am determined to help other people with their fitness journey and make sure that others can stay happy and healthy in the process. I would love to help others reach their goals and also…
myth #1: if you do ab exercises, you will lose belly fat truth: the only way to lose belly fat is to achieve overall fat loss, which is (to put it simply) expending more calories than you consume. Eating at a caloric deficit and also exercising is THE ONLY way to lose belly fat. myth #2: you will lose weight as long as the…
I successfully perfected my diet and lost 15 lbs and counting, and my goals have recently shifted to gaining some muscle and living a more flexible lifestyle. I eat 90% bro and 10% dirty if you know what I mean, and I'm looking for advice from experienced iifym-ers and also weight lifters on how to make some noobie gains…