angelaleip Member


  • no I just happen to really like them haha and you have a point, quest is getting out of control and this didn't help :P
  • In my opinion, you can optimize performance and likelihood of reaching your goals if you count macros, but it depends on if you want to put the time and effort into doing it
  • Currently fat loss but I'm almost at my goal. I hear that the closer you are to your goals, the harder/slower it gets, I'm looking to lose 3-5 more lbs of fat and hopefully not muscle or water weight
  • yeah sure! I've been trying to lift heavy but I gotta admit that I'm pretty weak and the feeling is new :smile:
  • I just recently started iifym and I have a question about my macros... I'm 5'1 and weigh 100 lbs and my current macros are 123 protein 183 carb and 42 fat. If I were to do the reccomended 40-40-20 split on my current calories (1600 ish) I'd have to eat 160g of protein which seems like too much. should I worry about…
  • a good way that I motivated myself was through imagining what life would be like with my "dream body" and also following motivational accounts on instagram! the trick is to find some sort of sustainable motivation because sustainability in diet, exercise, and motivation is key :) good luck!