Have you used the Brazilian seed to boost weight loss? I know a person that is using this seed and has lost over 30 lbs. Due to my autoimmune disorder I cannot use herbal supplements but I am curios to know if this seed has actually help you guys loose weight.
Hello, do you know of a free app where I can track my measurements?
Hello everyone! I have been ow my entire life. Six years ago I lost 150 lbs by going to the gym 6 days per wk for 2-3 hrs per day and balancing my diet. Unfortunately due to my Rheumatoid Arthritis and my daughters health this past 2 years I have not been able to go to the gym. I have gained all the wt back :( and even…
My sister in law has been telling me about this "wonderful" meal replacement call shakeology. I wanted to ask if any of you have tried this product and what do you think about it?