I was wondering if anyone has any experience with a treadmill that catches. I will have a good running pace and then my treadmill will catch and my face has started to come close to meeting the ground. Any advance or tips will help. :)
So, I am getting ready to join the Air Force, I have started to do some small exercises to help build up my stamina, and Fitness Pal has me eating 1200 calories a day. At first I was thinking everything was going great, and I know it takes a while to see a difference, but I can tell that I am eating less and not as hungry,…
Hello everyone! I am currently 5'6 and weigh 167, I am getting ready for basic training in the Air Force and I have a long way to go until I get back to the weight that I was before my two kids, which was 124, I could use all the support that I can get! Thank you!! :blush: