Workout Music
Hey guys post what you're usually bumping during your workouts! Got any go to artists, albums, or songs?
High bar Squat vs Low bar Squat
Hey guys, currently doing ICF 5x5 (A variation of Strong Lifts 5x5) and I'm curious if it's alright to do high bar squats. I know the program assumes to do low bar every workout but I much prefer high bar.
Halloween coming up!
You guys doing anything fun or exciting or this coming Halloween? I'm visiting a few friends up at UConn and hopefully gonna have a blast haha.
Hey guys, Looking for friends!
Feel free to add, would love to share tips and motivate each other. Been doing weightlifting and some cardio the past five months and I'm closing to 50 lbs lost!
Anyone else recently been stuck in a plateau?
Let's share some tips to move in from this frustrating time!