Period water weight gain..
So I know that some water weight-gain during one's period is normal, but can weight really fluctuate up between 6-10 lbs?? I was at a specific weight, then up by 9 lbs at the start of my period, still up by 6 lbs a few days later and now, 4 days after my last weigh in, I'm down by 5.8 lbs. I don't know if my scale is…
Why shouldn't I quit?
After a couple of months of not caring at all and eating like total crap, I decided I was going to start working on weight loss again. I weighed myself on Tuesday and saw that I've gained a few pounds since my last weigh-in (not a shock, because it was the time in my cycle in which I always gain weight, plus I'd been…
Hi! Looking for motivation and accountability
Hi everyone! My name's Emily. I am in a frustrating cycle when it comes to my weight.. I'll do an excellent job of watching what I eat and working out for a while, and then I fall out of the routine and gain it all back. I'm so tired of it. I only have about 20 lbs I'd like to lose; I'd love to connect with others for…