Hi! Looking for motivation and accountability

Hi everyone! My name's Emily. I am in a frustrating cycle when it comes to my weight.. I'll do an excellent job of watching what I eat and working out for a while, and then I fall out of the routine and gain it all back. I'm so tired of it. I only have about 20 lbs I'd like to lose; I'd love to connect with others for support, accountability and motivation :) I want to finally reach my goals this time!


  • beatonjason83
    beatonjason83 Posts: 36 Member
    In the same pattern, defiantly a hard cycle to break. Feel free to add
  • DavesGoal185
    DavesGoal185 Posts: 54 Member
    I am in the exact same place. Please add!
  • Grosen17
    Grosen17 Posts: 56 Member
    Whst does your routine look like?
    Maybe some tweaks can avoid fast losses in progress :)
  • liqi682
    liqi682 Posts: 2 Member
    edited November 2015
    I've been training for three years non stop and I feel great :blush: I have amazing exercises if anyone is interested...and I'd love more motivation in return :smiley: