Serving size for a salad???
Can anyone let me know what is considered 1 serving for the large garden salad in the myfitnesspal foods list. Thank you. This is my first post. I hope I can figure out how to get back to read the replys.... ;)
Just a guy with another try
Been here before and the Yo-Yo life is determined once again to get back in shape. Don't want to bore you all.... just getting established once again. I bet I've lost more weight than anybody else out there. As well, I bet i've gained more weight than anybody out there. Maybe I'll learn this time to keep it off after I've…
My first post
O.K. I'm 58, happily married (35 yrs) Male. 6'9" and ideally would like to lose 68 more pounds. In the last 6 months I've lost 50 lbs. And I've kept "fine tuning" my food intake these last 6 months to a point where I am trying very much to NOT consume ANY processed foods which pretty much limits you to fruits and…