Hello! Far north ft. worth here! Lost 53 lbs so far - have about 45 til I get to my goal! I'd like to have friends that share accountability and no enablers! I got fat by being enabled. No more! #kickingfatsass #iwillwin
Determined and ready to lose weight. Accountability is everything. I've lost 53 pounds and I work out. I've got 45 to go. I will succeed!!!! Add me if ya'd like! Texas here by the way :)
Im down 55 lbs... i have 40-45 more to go!! I am dedicated and have my life to look forward too. I go to the gym every other day. I do cardio and resistance training. Either machines or lifting. How about you? If you are serious about changing you - then add me!!!!
I am hopefully looking for a trainer in the ft worth, tx area. I have lost 53 lbs with light exercise and diet. I count calories everyday. I have joined a gym. And that was 2 weeks ago - now I am in a plateau. I haven't lost crap and honestly that is discouraging. As a chubby girl, we want to see the numbers fall. No…
I'm not really sure how to word the title. But I have lost 53 lbs so far and I have about 45 to go. I lost 52 pounds from counting calories and light exercise. Now I have joined a gym and am working out like a beast. I knew it was time to start toning up. But why do you stops for pounds? Please don't tell me to not look at…