I bought a thing of hummus and the times that I have eaten it, I have found it to be quite bland for my personal liking and am wondering if I could add some ranch dressing to the hummus to give it a bit of taste to it (I got the plain type).
Thinking ahead
Through my church, I attend a bible study group that has a communal meal together. Sometimes our host prepares a meal for all of us, but more often than not we all bring a mish mash of items and therefore sometimes I have no idea as to what I am eating and the options of eating healthy are usually limited and I have no…
Low-income help
I am on a government disability pension with no food stamps (for some reason Canada doesn't give out food stamps) and minimum work due to the fact that I can only make a certain amount of money each month, which comes to under $20 grand for the year. I don't particularly carefor legumes, as I end up leaving most of them on…