I took my wellness assessment for my health insurance today. I am currently bouncing around the 3-5 pounds over "healthy" BMI, so this is what it suggested I do: Sigh... Guess I'll make an appointment to chat with my doctor about those five pesky pounds, as suggested. I'm sure he'd be thrilled.
Just saw this article regarding xylitol causing extreme low blood sugar and liver failure in dogs. Be sure to keep your sugar-free goodies out of their reach! http://www.cbsnews.com/news/sweetener-xylitol-in-some-sugarless-gums-can-kill-dogs/
An article about detoxing from sugar. At the very end, it talks briefly about magnesium deficiency and chocolate cravings. Not in depth or scientific, but thought you all might find it interesting...
I was at my parents' house over the weekend and looking for something quick and easy for a snack. I saw a jar of peanut butter--it's the cheap/generic stuff--so I picked it up and looked at the label. I was not the least bit surprised to see corn syrup on there. Regular peanut butter always has either corn syrup or sugar.…