Looking for some ideas on low calories meals. I think I'll do the classic Grilled Chicken Salad with Avocado Ranch. How boring! Anyway, how about you guys.. What's for dinner?
Ugh. This is a rant. Eating enough calories is such a problem for me now that I've started dieting. I like to go cold turkey. When I'm done with something I just toss it out the window and erase it's existence. With food it's not that simple... We need to eat. It's like telling a former cigarette smoker to take a couple…
Hello everyone. I'm 338 pounds and I've been fat all my life. I am determined to change my lifestyle. So excited on my journey. Tomorrow will be one week since I started my diet and I will be weighing in for the second time. I exercised for the first time yesterday and I loved it! Today I will be meeting with a fitness…
So I really enjoy working out in the morning (6 AM earliest 8AM latest). But I would also like to go late at night but I am scared of being out that late at night. I'm a 21 year old female and I don't want to get robbed or something idk. I live in North Jersey if that helps. Do any females (or men) gym at night in urban…