I’m sorry if this has already been asked, but does wearing flat shoes make a difference for leg day? I always wear Nike Air Max 270’s(pictured here) and am wondering if having the arch affects form/muscle building progress?
I have lost a total of 100lbs and have recently gained back 10lbs(now only 8lbs :) ) I have gone back to basics and began carb cycling and working out consistently. I am currently working out 6 days a week and sometimes feel so burned out. I know it’s not that I’m not eating enough because on leg days I get in an average…
I had lost a total of 100lbs but unfortunately, I have put back 10lbs. It may not seem like a lot, but I’m definitely feeling it. Ready to get back into it with carb cycling and being more consistent with the gym. I could use some friends to help keep me motivated and on track. And I hope I could do the same for others! 💪🏼