Please share your lunchtime ideas! Even if it's meaty stuff for me to adapt - I'm vegetarian :) I'm struggling to find healthy & practical ideas. So often, I've just skipped lunch or devoured an unhealthy breakfast bar. My requirements: Has to fit in a lunchbox. Low carb - Trying to eat less bread. High protein - Any extra…
Hi there, looking for a bit of advice/experience. I'm not a great cook & struggle for time, so currently a lot of my recipes contain jars of sauce. I tend to pick the supermarket own brand "lighter" options (Pasta sauces, veggie chilli sauces, fajitas sauces, curry sauces). Are there any reasons why I should avoid these or…
New to this. Have discovered that my version of healthy eating doesn't contain enough calories/nutrients (Which probably explains why it's never lasted long in the past!). So healthy vegetarian snack & meal ideas would be appreciated! (My brown rice & plain stirfry vegetables isn't quite hitting the spot!) Currently having…