Personal Trainer
Hello everyone, I'm a certified personal trainer from Quebec, Canada. I've been training for three years and I love helping others learn to train effectively. Feel free to add me and bombard me with fitness or nutrition questions! I only use my food log from time to time, but I'm active and will always answer messages.…
Gaining Muscle
I used to be 130lbs, and extremely scawny. 2 years, a lot of calories, and a lot of weight training later, I now weigh 161 and have put on a significant amount of mass. Before After
Personal Trainer from Canada
Hello everyone, I'm a personal trainer from quebec, Canada. I'm on here to keep track of my diet while I add some bulk to my physique. I'd love to have some more friends on here, whom I could help motivate and answer any questions they may have about exercise. Add me up! :)
Needing more friends
Add me up! I'm a certified personal trainer and would love to help motivate or answer any questions you may have.
Looking to Support and Motivate
Hello, My name is Tyler, and I'm a certified personal trainer from Canada. I work at a gym, and I exercise daily. While fitness and nutrition are my speciality, I struggle with motivations and strictness like any other person. I was hoping to meet some people that can motivate me through their success, and in turn I could…