Stevia extract??
Thoughts opinions experience with it? I'm talking pure stevia not that trivia crap.
Anyone using Mega Men Sport?
Trying out a few things here. Bought some mega men sport and wanted to get some opinions. I know that when I take my Glucosamine, I take one pill in am with food and another in pm with food. Should I do my multi-vitamin the same way? Take one when I take my glucosamine? or will it even matter?
Good morning ya'll. I am trying to get into a routine and it appears, after doing some calculations, that I'm not getting enough protein. I went shopping for some more protein powder and realized that the protein that I'm using only has like 16g per scoop. I am looking to get something that has more(saw several options),…
Who works out before work?
Looking to get back on track after slacking severely. My only real option is to work out before I go to my office job due to how late I tend to work at night and then have to drive an hour home. Typically, I would just go to the gym after work, and be done with it, but with me not getting off work till late, and then the…
Done fine till S/O came back. Help.
Hey ya'll. Needing some suggestions. Me and the g/f broke up for like 4 months during the summer and I lost weight and was able to truly watch what I eat. Now we are back together(don't judge LOL) and she wants NOTHING to do with eating like I was before she came back into the picture. Needing suggestions on how to get…
Does the stomach shrink? Lol
Odd question I know, but I have been trying to watch my calorie intake over the last few weeks and it seems as though I cannot eat like I used to. Is this a physical response from my body or is it mostly mental with my body realizing I'm not as hungry as I once was?? I hope that made sense.
Measuring servings to count calories?
I'm really trying to crack down on my weight-loss and I am finding it hard to know my serving size that I am eating of something. For instance, 1 cup of chips. How do yall measure this out? Or a soup. Is it as simple as putting them in a 1cup dry measuring cup? Thank in advance for any and all help here. Sorry if this is a…