®ion=top-stories-below&WT.nav=top-stories-below&_r=0 This is the link to the New York Times article. I rely on the MFP database for…
I keep Fresh Market sliced sourdough bread in the freezer. I usually microwave it for 10 sec and then toast it lightly. Today for the first time I measured my 2 pieces after the microwave and they were 39 g, After light toasting, they were 34 g.
Food samples at Costco, just a literal bite of the beef stew I made(1 piece of meat,1chunk of potato, etc.), pot luck and buffet dinners with just a bit of this or a taste of that, a single scallion pancake homemade by a friend, etc., etc., etc. Any suggestions on how to chart these will be very much appreciated. Friends'…
I have been making baked eggplant nuggets from the farmers market. Do I count the raw weight or the considerably lower cooked weight? Does the raw vs cooked weight hold true for all vegetables? Thanks