If you could erase 1 song from history which would it be and why? I'll start The Macarena Do I really need to say why?
GREAT!! Two days into my plan....I went for a brisk walk this morning and decided to use the hills at the local park for some added resistance. Popped a muscle in my calf. It felt like I was hit with a steel pipe. It floored me. I struggled to get home and I've finished icing it and it's now in a tensor. How am I going to…
Let's just say that the last 15-18 months has been the worst stretch of my life. Severe family illness, business suffered and became depressed. I shot up from to 230lbs from my normal 170. I miss being able to dress nice and hate the belly. Health needs to improve as well. 40" waist isn't cutting it for me. I need to at…