Does anyone know how to use it? I clicked in recipe tab and it only gave me a tip. I could not figure out how to begin entering my recipe. Help?
I use to do Weight Watchers in the past very successfully! However, I thought I would try myfitnesspal! Which I have been enjoying. However with WW we were allowed one cheat day a week wherein you were allowed to eat a few more points that day so long as you stored a few points to allow the cheat day. I am not thinking of…
I added my homemade smoothie to the nutrition thingy and I made a mistake with the about of protein out 316 verse 31.6 how do fix that? Thanks
Hello I am Cynthia I am 47 years old? I am on my 21st day on Myfitness pal. I have not cheated, I have excercised and have eaten up to 1200 a day but for one day because I saved my burned calories for Friday. I weighed this morning remember 21st day - I lost 0! I am so discouraged and I began to cry. myfitnesspal said I…