I am starting over again with trying to lose weight. I’m at my highest weight ever -I’m guessing 215. I have issues with binge eating and have been overweight now for a good 5-7 years at various levels. When younger I was active and never had to worry about what I ate then came kids and life and bam that all changed. I…
I’ve tried everything (weight watchers, low carb, calorie counting,etc) and have a hard time sticking to it. I’m a binge eater and wonder if a certain way of eating would work best for me. Most recently I’ve tried low carb but I can’t seem to stick to it and when I fall off the wagon I fall hard and long. I can’t keep…
I've used MyFitness Pal in the past but never took advantage of the community/friends, my weight loss journey was very personal and private. That didn't work. I'm tired of trying and failing only to tell myself this Monday will be different. This time I mean it. I'm not waiting until Monday, I'm starting now, every meal…