I've been really nervous about what will happen to my skin. I put on approximately 50 pounds fairly rapidly and I am worried the weight gain will have negatively effected my skin. I do not want the super baggy skin that some people get after gaining weight and losing it. I moisturize every day, but this fear is really…
OK so tomorrow is weigh in. What are some good rewards/punishments that do not involve food? I was thinking if I do hit my goal of 2 pounds per week I could get myself the All Clad Copper Core skillet I have been dreaming about getting. Or I could get myself the knife kit I really want. But as far as punishment for not…
My daily health goal today is a little different. Instead of doing something like only having one dessert today or drinking 8 glasses of water, today I am going to make a point of smiling at everyone. I am going to spread smiles! We all talk about doing things for ourselves so I am going to help others today. Just by…
I have to admit I fall off the healthy wagon quite often but how do we recover when we do that? Because giving up on our end goals would be counter intuitive. So how does everyone motivate themselves to get back on the wagon?
I emplore everyone to test their willpower today by denying yourself one unhealthy habit. Mine is snacking on jerky at work. Today I am going to refrain from snacking on jerky.
If anyone has a daily goal they want to share please feel free to share it here. I find it to be easier to reach my daily health goals when I share them with other people. They are able to offer motivation and support and I hope I can do that for all of you as well. My daily goal for today is to drink one more glass of…