Can I get results from one day per week of strength training?
Due to my change in work schedule I can only get to the gym one day a week. I usually burn over 1000 calories that day doing 1/3 cardio and 2/3 total body strength training. I'm currently watching my calories and macros but my goal is to lose weight will sculpting my booty. Will one day of strength training heavy on lower…
Weight training can build booty?
What's a good weight training routine to build my glutes? Reps/sets and what exercises. Lao how long before I notice a change in size?
Doing IF and IIFYM and not dropping a lot of weight
I have been doing IF and IIFYM for 3 weeks and I've only lost 2.6 lbs the second week and gained .6 back this week. The .6 may be due to my menstrual from last week. I'm fasting 12-16 hours a day and weight training three to four days a week. I'm also having a hard time getting macro percents to match it by the end of the…