Probably many of us crave sweets or savory stuffs that sometimes make us end our diet; how you cope with these feelings, what's your advice?
I have experienced a weigh gain of about 20 pounds in the last two years. I am starting to lose weigh, and I have lost 5 so far. Dating my new girlfriend made me gain weigh due to all the dinner dates, andNetflix couch sessions. As a result of my gradual gain weigh, my energy decreased and gained even more. I want to…
I have been talking about losing weigh for a while. Unfortunately, I get in the mindset that when I lose some weigh, I have the right to start overeating again. It worked for some time, but now I've lost it and went to the heavier side and can't come back down. I've been trying for a while, but I get discouraged and stop…