Bench Plateu (Advice Needed)
So when I first started I was able to increase weight by 5 pounds until I get to about 135-140. For the past month and a half I have not been able to get past that 135-140 for 4-5 rep range. I feel as Im getting weaker as last week I got 140 for 4 then got 4 with 135 my first set. I just need some advice on how I can break…
Am I improving? Help
Hello, I started lifting about a month and half ago. My bench started at 95 two reps. Then I made it up to about 105 6 reps 115 1 rep max. Thing is I only got 2 more reps on 105 this week and 2 less reps 95 after my 105 and 115 sets. Am I improving? Help please am I doing something wrong
When to Deadlift?
My split includes: Monday Biceps Tuesday Legs Wednesday Chest Thursday Back and core Saturday Shoulders and triceps My question is when I should fit deadlifting into my routine to be able to avoid hindering any of my other muscles from fully recovering. Thinking first thing on back day but still not sure need some help.
Sharp Pains while Squatting (HELP NEEDED)
Hey guys, Ive been lifting for about a month now and I started squating on leg day about two weeks ago. Last week and this week I feel a sharp pain on my left hip flexor to my outer pelvis region (also in between obliques and abs). I feel the pain not as Im going down but when I begin to go up it is a very sharp pain and I…
New to the Process :) (Need some Guidance)
Hey guys. I just recently started weight training 2 weeks ago and obviously I haven't seen any dramatic results as I wasn't really eating enough. Im 5'10 140.6 pounds with a full stomach and I am looking to get to about 170. I work out between 5-7 days a week. Monday Biceps Tuesday Legs Wednesday Chest Thursday Back Friday…