i want to puke! :(
I have had a sh!tty month-diet wise and gained 2 kgs! And haven't been spot on with my workouts. The thing is i live in a tropical climate and its summertime here so I can't run so stick to walking. But i feel its not enough. Please give me tips on portion control and how to stop this binge? P.S I eat lots of fruits and…
weight related arthritis
My knees have been hurting lately so went to my gp today. He said kind of vaguely its weight related arthritis. My knees hurt when i climb the stairs and slightly when i begin running. Hes told me not to exercise for 3-4 days. But my only way out is workout as i can't control my eating. Plus he also forbade me from eating…
Insomnia's messing up my diet!!
So I havent been sleeping well since the past 1.5 weeks and that is really messing up my hunger signals. Like today, I got hungry before lunch so had 2 glasses of water and some salad but after lunch ended up snacking on some sweets and fried snacks. I am feeling so bloated now eeek ;( I even use castor oil and almond oil…
How do i reduce my body fat?
I started this journey in Feb 2015 at 90kgs and I weigh 77 kgs as of today. I am not seeing any changes in my mid section. I am so frustrated and unhappy I run and walk almost 90 minutes 6 days a week but my waist is still wide and my stomach still floppy. I am careful with my diet and eat as much vegetables as I can but I…
i feel fat and ugly
I am crushing on this really hot dude who coaches kids in the park where I run but he will never look my way coz hes a handsome hunk with a great personality and I'm a fat rhino. Sure he could be a dullard but boy is he hot and why would he want a fatso like me. I am feeling really depressed and losing my motivation to…
protein powders
Advice please!! Are you brand conscious when it comes to protein powders? I am checking out amazon for protein powder and everything is expensive but I came across this chocolate flavored protein powder which is around 6 $(470 rupees for me) is whey isolate more powerful than this humble looking powder? is protein powder…
binging on sweets again :(
I have worked very hard to lose this weight. I was 90 kgs when I started this journey and now I am 77 kgs maybe 78 kgs if you see the way I have been gorging on sweets. I know what you will say don't bring sweets in the house but it's my dad who got these delicious indian sweets and I can barely keep my hands off. If I…
self sabotaging
Why am I "hurting" my weight loss? I went for a walk and then had a post workout snack of stir fried veggies. Then dinner of 2 chappatis and cauliflower curry and then I snacked on some chips and other fried sugary snack. I eat clean most of the time then phuck it up with junk food :( pls help!!
why am I even bothering?
With this weight loss *kitten*. I eat clean but end up eating crap everyday For example, I eat carrot and cucumber before lunch and post lunch end up snacking on chocolates or chips. I am so depressed I want to _____ myself(fill in the blank, I won't go there for fear of ban lol) I will never be thin again. i am just two…
Is my weighing scale playing tricks on me?
In previous posts I had ranted about being stuck in plateau so some members told me I am eating In maintenance. So I reduced my portions at dinner and I have stopped eating rice since almost 10 days. One of my scales showed me anywhere between 80 to 90 kgs now suddenly that scale has tipped to 78 kgs! Is that for real??…
Sensitive skin
Last evening I went for a walk and when I came home my right inner thigh was swollen and red. I wear good quality track pants but I have suffered from this problem a 1000 times. Infact, last month I was put on antibiotics coz my skin tore from chafing. I buy cotton track pants as the lycra pants don't have enough room for…
dirty tamilian
Will it happen again??
So I was a a cardio queen at 18 who used to walk for 2 hours on the treadmill and do very little weights. So after 2 years I got bored of looking skinny and quit gymming cold turkey. By the time I turned 21, I had blown upto 78 kgs in 2009. I haver never been overweight in my life so it was quite scary. So I am thinking of…
Running injury?
So I have reached week 8 of c25k and learnt to run without getting breathless!! But lactic acid gets collected at the back of my legs the minute I start jogging. I put it down to lack of adequate warm up before jogging so today I did a bit of cardio before leaving home but I think i pulled a muscle and now my left hip…