1500 cal a day plus fasting..
Anyone know how safe it would be to consume less then 1500 calories most days and then do 1 maybe 2 72 hour fasts every month?
Needing help (single mom with developing heath issues)
Hello. I am Sarah and a single mother of an almost 2 year old. I weigh 2x what I did before pregnancy and would like to get back to my prepregnancy weight. My excess weight is starting to cause me heath problems (diabetes, hypoactive thyroid) and is starting to effect my relationship with my daughter (due to having NO…
Needing some help
Hello. I am Sarah and a single mother of an almost 2 year old. I weigh 2x what I did before pregnancy and would like to get back to my prepregnancy weight. My excess weight is starting to cause me heath problems (diabetes, hypoactive thyroid) and is starting to effect my relationship with my daughter (due to having NO…