I've been on here a couple of times before. This time, I've really got to get the weight under control. I was at 300 before I started my new program. The only thing I changed at first was my intake of water and dropped 4lbs. If I can get my head in the game like last time, I"ll be doing good. I've got an 8 yr old who is…
I have been on a 1500 calorie diet for the last few weeks and this past week(Fri-today) I stayed around 1400 calories, but I gained 4.1 pounds in a week. I started researching yesterday on body types. I discovered that I'm primarily an endomorph body type. I also found an article on how to eat for your body type(25% carbs,…
Is it typical to go from eating normal portions to your body just not wanting food? One day last week, I only had 350-400 with breakfast and lunch, I was cranky and irritable when I got home from work. I didn't want to eat but knew that my doctor said I have to have at least 1000 calories a day no more than 1500 in a day.…
Ok, I want some info to make sure that this is not a myth. I am a women with PCOS and have a higher testosterone level than the average women. Is it possible that I'm building muscle while I'm losing weight? (PCOS not the factor I'm trying to figure out) I know I've heard that high testosterone levels help build muscles…
The scales that measure not only weight, but BMI, Body Water, Body Fat and Bone Mass; is that truly better than a scale that measures weight alone? I want to get healthy, I don't have to be ripped...lol. I just wanted to seek out some ideas on this. Thanks.