So I recently lost 20 lbs randomly and now have these ripples on the inner sides of my boobs, they're not really stretch marks just ripples that I can feel more than see and im wondering what I can do to make them go away and if drinking lots of water will help firm my skin?
So this may seem like a silly question but I gained a lot of weight last year when I turned 21 and was drinking beer and hard cider a lot more and have lost the weight since I don't drink much anymore and am wondering what drinks I can drink that would have similar effects and make me gain the weight back and do you think…
I have been trying to gain 20 lbs im currently at 112 and have been eating over 2000 calories a day like this ap said to gain a lb a week but I'm not seeing a difference and am wondering how I can gain weight without it going straight to my stomach like it tends to do and does water weight stay on?
what are some easy toning exercises I can do a few times a week to tone my stomach and butt? how many and how often to see a difference?