Hello fit friends! I struggle with an unhealthy relationship with food. Many people I grew up around had eating disorders and I either don't eat for a day or two or eat enough to feel sick every hour of the day. I used to have a very positive relationship with food and wish I could get back to that, but I'm unsure how to…
My tumbler is fitfam-fatslam Post yours or your favorite fit motivation and I'll folllow :)
First time doing a tri pod head stand and I'm so proud. Here is my fail and my completion! If at first you don't succeed, try & try again.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pxVXtB5-ikk I just watched this video made by my friend where 40 people posed individually in just their underwear and they talked about how you should love yourself. I recommend watching it!!! So after I watched, I took off all my own clothes and looked in the mirror- for the first time in…
Just want to see how many of you weigh in daily, and if not how often?? I used to be obsessed with weighing myself daily and it did help me lose weight very quickly- but I stopped when I got to my healthy weight this past summer and just focused on toning. Now I put on winter weight and I'm not sure if I should weigh again…
My mom has started going to the gym with me and she has extreme back problems! Rods in her back. I'm worried about her. What exercises can I suggest that are safe and do not harm the back?? Thanks fit fam!