Hi! I did a new class for me: ‘Floatboard’ at the pool. Sort of Pilates on a wobbly platform. While I spent a considerable time falling in and clambering back, I would like to know what the average exertion for this is. It’s not on the MFP exercise list in the diary...
I don’t wear my Fitbit in the water! D’y’reckon trailing up and down the baby pool stopping kids from drowning would equate to one aqua aerobics session? 🤔 I am sure I deserve some exercise calories for this! 😉
When I check my nutrients page at the end of the day, the iron is always less than a quarter of the % recommended. I eat leafy greens and nuts and fish and have even been eating some steak this week to try to bump it up, to little avail. Should I be worried?