MFP predicted weight loss accuracy...
So, when you complete your diary and it gives you the 'if every day was like today' thing and it calculates your future weight loss based on that days calorie intake.... how accurate is it? Like, can it be relied upon to even be remotely close? Yes there are days i havent tracked meals due to work, but i know 100% that ive…
Ok explain this, cos im clearly thick....
So, if i have a packet of noodles and it says 100g of noodles = x amount of calories, i weigh the nest of noodles, ots 62g, but then the packet says prepared weight of 62g cooked noodles = 183g so its x amount of calories. How? How can water rehydrating noodles increase the amount of calories? Then take convenience noodles…
Lost my way so, starting over
The last year, minus corona, has pretty much seen me fall from one disaster to another. Left a job i loved for a promotion, ended up hating the new one, absolutely not what it was supposed to be, couldnt go back tomy old one so transferred to another new one which still isnt the same. Fallen out with friends, lost a ton of…
This ones lengthy but stick with me...
Ok, so ive posted a few things before and have continued to put all my effort into losing weight all except these last 2 weeks were i had effectively given up. My friends wedding was a few weeks ago and i wanted to get myself a nice new suit and sooooo looked forward to being able to buy myself smaller sizes. I burned…
Quick calorie question...
I know they say that if you want to loose weight you need a calorie deficit and also to exercise. Is it possible that your body gets so used to being in a calorie deficit that it stops being effective? Also, when im being told to "burn more calories than i eat" what exactly does this mean. For example, if my normal daily…
What are macros? Are they important and is there one standard way to work them out?
So ive been on a plateau for a while now. Havent lost weight since i gained some of it back after injuring my ankle even going back to the way i was exercising before the injury at which point the weight was coming off steadily. Has something gone wrong since i injured myself that i need to take into consideration??? at…
Motivation disappearing.
Ok so. Ive been using this app quite religiously for a few months now. Measuring food and scanning bar codes on everything i can to make sure im being as accurate as possible. If im making my own thing i make my own receipies and enter my own ingredients to make sure im being honest. Joined a gym in addition to my exercise…
Just need to write it down...
I think on my wieght loss journey i haven't done too badly. Ive had a few blips and gains but since ive found this app and started using it for its intended purpose and hitting the gym and changing my exercise routine Ive started losing weight again. So my best friend had a baby 12 weeks ago and phones me today to ask me…
Feels like a losing battle....
This is super long but its kinda been bottled up for a while.....So i started trying to lose weight back in january of 2012 and between then and the end of 2013 i had lost 4 stone ( 25kgs) and everything was going perfectly. I was checking in with my doctor for blood pressure and cholesterol - which despite my 20st size…