Do you just count calories intake or do you also keep track of how many you burn? If you keep track of both what is your goal for the difference?
I’m 5’ and 140lbs and trying to loose 20lbs. Doesn’t sound like a lot but when your short it is A LOT to loose and I’m having trouble loosing it!!! So I would love to hear some success stories and tips on how you did it. Currently feeling discouraged!
Anyone else not able to run also no matter how much you try? I would love to be able to do 5k and other things but I can’t run at all. I’ve only tried doing one 5k and my time was 55 min. I tried doing the c25k a few years ago and couldn’t get past the 1st day. Every time I try running my chest hurts, I feel like I’m dying…
I just created a challenge group for 2018. Come join me and invite your friends.
Starting week 3 off right! I did meal prep yesterday for the week and going to the gym after work. What are you doing today?
I’m only in my second week of trying to loose weight and I’ve lost 1lb so far, which I is guess what I should be loosing a week. But of course I’m being inpatient and wanting to see progress right away lol. Wondering how long did it take you before you could actually see progress and I don’t just mean on the scale?