Need some help and advice.
Need some help and advice. Hi Everyone, I'm 20 years old from the Uk, I've been going to the gym now for over a year. I was around 16 stone now at around 12 but with a good muscle mass, as I'm trying to get a good aesthetic physique. Now my fitness and gym life is a very big part of me I've started to track my macros and…
I need your opinion please?
Hi everyone, can I take one minute of your time to ask for you to fill out a 10 question multiple choice survey which will take you about 1 minute to do maximum. The survey is about Gym apparel, thank you. Here's the link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/NQHMQYM Thank you again.
Need your opinon?
Hi everyone, can I take one minute of your time to ask for you to fill out a 10 question multiple choice survey which will take you about 1 minute to do maximum. The survey is about Gym apparel, thank you. Here's the link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/NQHMQYM Thank you again.
Need your help!
Hi everyone, can I take one minute of your time to ask for you to fill out a 10 question multiple choice survey which will take you about 1 minute to do maximum. The survey is about Gym apparel, thank you. Here's the link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/NQHMQYM Thank you again.