I'm planning on starting Keto in about a week. I'm doing a 10 day green smoothie cleanse to try and kick start my mind and get in the right frame of mind... I'm looking for input on if my macro calculations are on track. I used an online calculator that was recommend on a Keto FB group I follow and they came up as: Protein…
I have been doing Atkins phase 1 for 6 days. I have been in ketosis for 3 days (measuring with sticks) my levels are right in between moderate to large numbers on bottle read 4.0-8.0 and my color is right in the middle of those numbers. Yesterday I started spotting. My cycle is very regular and I just ended last weekend…
I making a cheeseburger casserole for phase 1 looking for an app or a website that I can put all the ingredients in and it will calculate the nutrition for me any suggestions??? Thank you